In Blog, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Jasmine

Here are some buzz words you hear a lot at the start of a new year…


If you are anything like me, these words might intimidate or scare you a little bit. Maybe, you are more like Jasmine, who is the LifeSongs social media coordinator! She thrives on making a plan and setting goals for herself. (It’s one of the reasons I admire her.)

If I’m being honest, the reason why these things slightly send me into a panic is because I do not like to fail. This is an unfortunate thing because you can’t succeed without failing time and time again. It’s part of the process when reaching for the stars!

Inventor Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.” That is both terrifying and amazing to me! It shows his tenacity, drive, and perseverance….all things you need if you are going to prevail.

Back when I was a hairdresser, we’d make these vision boards. We’d cut out different pictures or words from magazines, newspapers, etc. and glue them to a poster board so we could envision what we were reaching towards. That was great and all, but to be honest, I never knew how to attain those things I placed on my board. They were just hopes because I never had a plan or steps in place to move forward. I still struggle with this idea, but Pastor Steve from Church of the King spoke these words last weekend, and I had quite the lightbulb moment.

He said: “Goals are the stair-steps to the fulfillment of your vision.”

So how can you reach your big picture vision? Work on the bite sized goals!

For example, if you want to see improvement in the way your body looks and feels?
Start with your daily eating habits.
Implement a work out routine. (Even if you start off walking around your neighborhood!)
Get lots of rest!

The improvement is the vision; eating habits, exercise, and sleep are your daily goals!! If you fail, because we all do, remember that it’s part of the journey. Forgive yourself and keep going!

Doesn’t the vision feel more within reach and attainable if you focus on the daily things instead of the big picture?!

That’s the goal! (Pun intended!)

Betty White said:
“You’re never too old for anything!”

Friend, there is a vision God has put on your heart, (maybe even for a while now) so what realistic goals can you set today to get there?!

Write them down and ask the Holy Spirit to help you D.R.E.A.M.

D edicate
R eal
E nergy
A t
M oving

Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)
“Then the Lord answered me and said:
‘Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.’”