“I wish the world would stop so I could catch up!” The words my 17 year old son said to me after he returned from a recent retreat with his …
Grace | Jasmine
I would consider myself to be a pretty independent woman. I mean I grew up in the era of independent women. It was the central focus of many pop songs …
Faith and Grace | Nancy
To quote the Best Boss Ever, “God has the whole world in his hands.” These are the words our General Manager Julie said during our recent Spring Shareathon, when we …
Newish Year Goals | Josh
Lose weight. That’s the obvious number one New Years’ Resolution. But a close second for me is usually “be a better Christian.” I’ve walked with Jesus for over 33 years and …
I Never Thought | Jojo
Ever heard the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? How about this one, “Tough situations either make or break you”? Truth be told, tough situations break you, then …
Back To School | Julie
Normally in August, I’m picking up the last of the school supplies and realizing just how worn out Finn’s tennis shoes are and then calling my mom to see if …
At the Beach| Jojo
When my son was a toddler, there was this Mickey Mouse Clubhouse book called “Road Trip” that we read so many times, that it fell apart! To sum up the …
He Sees Your Heart | Josh
Imagine the Disciples of Jesus around the Thanksgiving table. Obviously they wouldn’t have celebrated American Thanksgiving, but just use your imagination. All of the disciples start saying what they are …
What’s New? | Mar 26
What’s one of the most powerful tools we have as followers of Christ? Chris Brown from Elevation Worship believes it’s our testimony. The band’s latest song, “Do It Again,” is …