Thankfully, we have constant reminders of the faithfulness of God in the past that helps us trust in Him being faithful again. One of those reminders? Blessing Offor’s song “Jordans.” …
What’s New | August 14
We know that darkness can never extinguish the Light. Blessing Offor’s song “Your Love” is a good reminder that when things seem dark, we can find the eternal illuminating light …
What’s New | March 27
No matter how dark it may seem, God’s word will always be a light to guide us through. That’s the message in Colton Dixon’s song, “My Light.” Sometimes the only …
What’s New | October 24
If you’ve ever wrestled with doubt or questions you couldn’t answer, be encouraged. Sometimes we forget that God welcomes our questions. Blessing Offor’s song “Believe” is about just that. It …
What’s New | June 13
God is good, all the time. You’ll hear us say that all the time on LifeSongs because we know it to be true. When have you seen God’s goodness in …
What’s New | January 31
The youngest of six siblings, Nigerian-born singer/songwriter Blessing Offor immigrated to the United States with his uncle at the age of six. Born blind in one eye, Blessing’s parents sent …