Share Your Story | Jasmine

In Blog, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Jasmine

When was the last time you shared your story?

You know that moment you surrendered your life to Christ! Or when Jesus showed up and did the miraculous in your circumstance.

I have been a Christian for quite some time now. So much so, I had forgotten the power in my salvation story! I would share other stories; like my relationship with my mom being restored and financial miracle stories. It wasn’t until recently, when I was on the phone with a dear friend that I realized she had never known me in my (B.C) days. I began to share with her who I was before I came to know Christ, what He did in my life, and what life looks like now.

It’s funny, but sometimes I forget about those (B.C) days. I forget that there was even life before knowing Him. But we as Christians must never forget that moment. The moment where we were confronted with our sin and met with a perfect God who cleanses us from all wrong doing.

Just like the people in the Bible story’s matter-your story matters too! Be brave and share it. It doesn’t have to be on a stage or anything fancy. it can just be a simple phone call to a close friend.

What is that moment for you? Is LifeSongs a big part of your story? We want to hear all about it. They want to hear all about it! People everywhere need to hear your transformative story so they may come to know Jesus just like you and I.

If you have a compelling story of how Jesus has touched your life through the ministry of LifeSongs share it with us via email at [email protected].