Parental Guidance | Josh

In Blog, Josh, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by

This is NOT a complaint about my son. Ben is an awesome kid. But Ben is also five years old. I don’t know if you remember what it was like, being five years old. I don’t remember. But apparently it is VERY hard.

Ben is not JUST five years old – he’s the younger child. His big sister is practically a grown up at nine. She gets to ride her bike around the neighborhood and go visit her friends’ houses. She gets to stay up later and do more “Big Kid” things. And then there is Ben. Five years old. Growing and learning at 100 mph. And wrestling with emotions that he doesn’t quite have the vocabulary to describe.

I struggle to remember any other season of parenting that has proven to be nearly as challenging as dealing with a five year old little boy. He doesn’t want to do bad things. But he does. He wants to obey. But he doesn’t. Elena (my wonderful wife) and I feel like we are failing as parents. Sleepless nights – tears – prayers – wondering What in the world have we done wrong?! His sister was never this bad!

I would feel so very alone in this struggle if it weren’t for my incredible friends who are also going through their own parenting struggles. Sometimes it sounds like the LifeSongs office is hosting a seminar just listening in to conversations between myself, JoJo, Julie, Libby and Nancy. Each in a different struggle with different children – all trying to sort out how to be the best, Godliest parents we can be.

We don’t have many answers, honestly. But we know we aren’t alone. Having someone share in your struggle – even when they can’t fix it for you – is such an incredible relief. Galatians chapter six says, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.”

If you feel weighed down and feel all alone – will you let us help carry your burden? We probably can’t fix the problems, but we can pray with you. You can call or text us whenever you hear the radio – or share your prayer needs on PrayerWorks where an entire online community can pray for you. I wish we could swoop in and make it all better, but at the very least you will know that you aren’t alone in your struggle.

Now, back to reading parenting books and web articles from Focus on the Family…