How Did We Do? | Vance

In Blog, NewPodcasts, Podcasts, Vance by Jasmine

You know, I was brought up Catholic.  And not a practicing Catholic… When I say I was brought up Catholic, I mean that is what I told people when they asked; like on doctors forms or even when I went into the Navy. It was more of just what I said. I went to Catholic school and went to church when the class went, but Sundays were reserved for fishing with my dad.

My son made me the father of two teenagers this week, he turned 13 (and my daughter is 17). It made me sit back and think: how am I doing? How are my wife and I doing as Christian parents? Are we raising them the right way? Are we teaching them Biblical principles? Are we leading by example? Are we showing the kids what it’s like to be a Christian?

I really sat with this for some time, wondering if I was doing this right. So I prayed on it, then I decided to ask my son on his birthday what it meant to him to be a Christian.

Stay tuned for his answer….

Vance III’s answer:

“For me what it means to live in a Christian family, it means that we all love each other very much. That we believe in God and Christ for what He did for our sins when He died on the cross and that we are going to celebrate him very soon coming up for Easter for dying on the cross for our sins. We already celebrated Christmas because that is Christ’s birthday.”

Well there you have it. He gets it and understands. I know without God leading this family we would have some concerns. But with God in charge we can’t miss! Why? Because God is Good all the Time!