He Loves Us | Nancy

In Blog, Nancy, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by

Have you done everything you had intended to do this Lent? Did you strive heroically? Did you keep all of your resolutions? Did you grow spiritually by leaps and bounds?

If you did, then you can stop reading now. If you didn’t, then read on.

This Lenten season has been different and sometimes difficult for us all in so many ways. While there are some of us who can faithfully keep their Lenten promises, there are many of us (yours truly included) who mean well but can’t seem to stay the course consistently throughout.

Thankfully, we have a Merciful Savior who knows we fall short and loves us anyway!

What’s done is done. Most of Lent is gone.

However, we have the blessed opportunity to put things right, so to speak, during this final week of Lent. Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we have the possibility to spiritually follow our Lord as he enters Jerusalem for the last time, shares a parting meal with his closest friends, and enters into his Passion and Crucifixion. We can stand guard outside his tomb and await his Resurrection. We can spend this week striving like we’ve never striven before. We can’t replace the weeks that are passed, but we can turn this final week into a strong finish.

Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we have the possibility to spiritually retrace the steps of our Lord.  Jesus’ step by step journey to Golgotha shows that He loved us “to the end” (John 13:1) in going all the way to the cross for us, with every bruise, and every stab of pain. During this week we can also see how deep the Father’s love is for us…

Even though our world seems so different now and we are celebrating Easter this year like never before; I pray that you can focus your heart on what was done on the Cross and that you and your family may experience being newly grounded in the love of Christ.

Romans 5:8 “ God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”