Gaining Trust | Nancy

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Gaining Trust

So, this is my first Blog for the New Year. I know typically , people tend to think about change during this time and focus on how they are going to live differently or setting goals that entail giving something up. Giving up something gets put into overdrive come lenten season..

What If, this year, instead of giving up something or trying to lose busyness , I chose to focus on something I need , what if I added something . Something that sums up the one  thing I need more than anything in my life ..

What if I added TRUST to my life .. Simple Trusting,  believing that God loves me  and knowing He’s good, knowing God  has the power to help me. Yep, a goal all about me!!

This year, I’m Learning to Trust God, Not Myself
I used to have a habit of trusting myself. I formed this habit through years of trusting people, getting hurt and finding out I couldn’t trust them.

I thought, If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. If you don’t ask anybody for anything or open your heart to them, they can’t hurt you. But this mindset just kept me from trusting God.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

So, I declared that Trust  would be my theme this year and right away, what happens ? I have to put my words into action!! A Spiritual Storm blew in my household and confusion and fear set in almost immediately, (remember it’s still only February…Trust takes Time and I’m a slow learner).

As I prayed through all of the emotions, God reminded me of the story of Jesus on the boat with his disciples.. In Mark 4:35 Jesus tells the disciples to go to the other side of the lake and then the storm hits!!

Of course, we know Jesus knew what was going to happen and he figured his disciples would be in fear and panic mode.. Imagine Jesus sleeping while the disciples were wondering why he wasn’t helping right away , wondering if he was ever going to wake up, or that he was peaceful and stable through the storm..

Mark 4:39 says, “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”

Christians are called believers, but many times, we are more like unbelieving believers, for example,  the disciples on the boat. We trust our friends, the bank, the stock market or the government more than we trust God and His Word.

When Jesus says we’re going somewhere, then we’re going somewhere! We might feel like we’re being tossed around by our troubles, wondering: God, where are You? Why aren’t You helping me? But He is with you, and you can remain peaceful and stable through every storm.

So, the next time you see me, hopefully, I will seem like I gained a little or maybe even a lot, Because that would mean I am hitting my Goal!!