Changing Seasons | Libby

In Blog, Libby, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

The flowers are in bloom, festival season has begun and students are donning caps and gowns to march across the graduation stage. This time of year can be a time of big changes, from weather to schedules to life in general. (Congratulations, by the way, to the Class of 2024! May God guide you on His path for what’s next.)

Maybe it’s been awhile since you held that diploma. Chances are you’ve been through many changes since then. Can you think of an experience, a moment or time that was a life-changing season for you?

Julie in Houma shared this: “Over 20 years ago I was at work just coming back from my lunch hour. I was in my car about to head back in when I started hearing Christian lyrics on the radio and discovered LifeSongs! Because that moment changed my life forever, I will forever love LifeSongs. I stay thankful, I stay encouraged, I get to hear beautiful Christian music, all day everyday. I’m just so grateful for LifeSongs and how they remind me of how good our God is to me and my family.”

I’m not someone who typically loves change. It can be hard. But the idea of God using this ministry to change lives is one I welcome! Imagine a change that brings more gratitude, encouragement and hope! God is doing that through this ministry in Julie’s life, and in the lives of so many others who listen. And it’s your support that makes that happen! Thank you!

May we embrace the newness of this season with thankful hearts, together. Look at what God is doing! Thank you for being part of changing lives.