A Day In The Life | Julie

In Blog, Julie by Libby

Sometimes when I meet people and they learn I’m “Julie from LifeSongs,” I think they are a little disappointed. This often happens when I’m playing with Finn at the park and I’m sporting my comfies (yoga pants and a t-shirt without makeup and hair in a ponytail.) I guess they imagine someone less ordinary? And while I am blessed to live this life with an amazing job and lovely family, I am actually pretty boring. And my daily life is pretty routine and uneventful.

The day starts with a buzzing alarm clock at 4:01am. Nowadays, that snooze button is hit for at least half an hour, sometimes until my back up emergency alarm clock chimes in at 5am. My arrival at work is dependent upon how many snoozes occur. Ideally, I’d arrive around 5am.

The morning show runs from 6am-10am. And I’m not just saying this, it is one of my favorite times of the day. I love singing along with the music and I’m so glad there’s an “off” button for the mic. (You would be too!)! I love when you take time to call in a traffic update. Or email in response to something you’ve heard. You truly are so thoughtful. I love spending that time with you.

Many assume that once I’m off the air, I’m done for the day. If only that were true! My official title is “Operations Coordinator.” Or as my misprinted business cards say “Operations Coodinator.” My tasks include an ever-changing variety of responsibilities. But one of my favorites is planning our promotions/ events/ community service projects. I’m not a creative person, but I work with creative people who come up with some really great ideas. My contribution is taking care of the details.

Around 1pm, I leave work and pick up my 3 year old son, Finn at Mom’s Day Out. I’m always anxious to see him, because I haven’t seen him yet today! And when he sees me, he cries “No Mommy! Go away! I don’t wanna go!” Nice greeting, eh? So I tempt him out the door with the promise of M&M’s in the car. And once his M&M’s are devoured, the exhausted kid meltdown begins.

Once home, it is rest time for the whiney boy & lunch time for the whiney hungry Mama. This gives me a midday break for about an hour to relax and prep for the last stretch of the day. Around 3pm, it’s playtime with Finn – another of my favorite times of the day!

My husband works late most weekday evenings, so it’s just Finn and me. So I keep a simple routine: dinner at 5, bath at 6, and bed at 7pm for Finn. Bedtime for me is shortly after, so I have the hope of getting 8 hours of rest before that alarm clock buzzes at 4am.

And I do it all again the next day. It’s a long day. But there are many times during the day I think, “This is my favorite part of the day!” How blessed is that!?! I just wish I had more time to enjoy it all…