Your Story Matters

In Home Page, Outreach by Josh

Thank you for being part of the LifeSongs family! We’re so grateful we get to share God’s love together through hope & encouragement.

If God has used this ministry to have a positive impact in your life, used a song to encourage you when you needed it most, we want to hear about it! Everyone has a story to share, and when you share what God is doing in your life, you encourage others!

Share your story with us below:

Share Your Story

Everyone has a story to share. How has God moved in your life? Has HE used LifeSongs to impact you and your family?

  • What is your name?
  • What is your phone number?
  • What is your email address?
  • Tell us about what God has done/is doing in your life or share how we can pray for you today. Has God used LifeSongs in your life? Is there a special song or particular artist that has impacted you in a big way?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.