What’s New | May 8

In Blog by Libby

It’s an age-old question: “Who is Jesus?” Mike Donehey’s song “Yeshua (Friend Of Sinners)” points us back to the kindness of God’s grace, mercy, and love. Jesus spent time with sinners to present them with the good news that forgiveness was available. Many sinners were transformed by His words of life, and that transformative power still impacts people two thousand years later. When Jesus’ enemies called Him a “friend of sinners,” they meant it as an insult. But to His glory and our eternal benefit, Jesus endured such ridicule to call us by name, cleanse our hearts, and stick closer than a brother. Who is Jesus? He’s our hope, strength, love, and trust. Simply put, He’s our friend. Mike shares, “The longer I live, the more in awe of grace I become. I hope this song can lead others to the same place.”

Maybe the moments we see as mundane are actually the treasure in life. That’s the idea Dan Bremnes explores in his song, “Fingerprints.” He says, “So many of the things we once considered extraordinary, we now consider ordinary. Think of all the things that you hoped, wished or prayed for years ago that you now have. This could be a job, a house, the city you live in, a spouse, or your children. The truth is, we’re surrounded by the extraordinary, and sometimes, we just have to open our eyes to realize it.”

Listen for “Yeshua (Friend Of Sinners)” and “Fingerprints” on LifeSongs!