What’s New | January 4

In Blog by Libby

Happy new year! Throughout the last year (or maybe in other seasons of your life), did you walk through disappointment, heartache or loss? Hope Darst has, and she reflects on that in her song, “Promise Keeper.”

She says, “This song was written as a declaration of who I believe God is. A promise keeper that never fails us. If you’re like me, there’s been many seasons where I’ve had to wrestle through the truth of that. I’ve had to question, ‘Are Your promises still true here? Are You still for me? Is there still a future that is full of hope and won’t harm me? Will You do what You said You would do?’ What I have found, over 20 years of walking with the Lord, is that the answer is YES. He always does what He says He’s going to do. Maybe not when I think it should happen or how I think it should happen, but it is always true that God’s word shows up. I hope this song and the lyrics pulled from Psalm 27:13 that says “I am confident I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” encourages you. No matter what you’re facing, (and let’s be honest 2020 has had us all facing a lot) you can still hold onto the truth of this scripture: Our God is a promise keeper and if we have eyes to see and ears to hear, we will find His goodness all around us – even right here, right now!”

Listen for “Promise Keeper” on uplifting LifeSongs!