What’s New | Dec 10

In Blog, Libby by Josh

Have you ever felt out of place?

Melody Noel has been writing pop songs for years, yet when she was at a gathering working on her new song, “Mistakes,” she could only feel the insurmountable weight of anxiety caused by unworthiness, insecurity and fear. “Perhaps it was because everybody else in the room had a history in Christian music and I was ‘just’ a pop writer,” she says. “Guess I wasn’t sure what I could bring to the table.”

Four hours later, she and three others had written “Mistakes.” Every lyric and melody on the song is unchanged from the day it was written. Melody says, “There was a synergy happening amongst us that I had never experienced in a writing session.”

“Not long afterwards, that familiar insecurity crept into my mind once again. I asked God why he would place me amongst this company of deep Christian writers when it seemed like all I could offer was hooky melodies and simple, everyday language to express my feelings.”

His reply? “Melody, I’m a fisher of man. Don’t you know I love a good hook?”

She says, “The scales came off my eyes and I could see how the melodic ‘hook’ of this song could catch the hearts of His people and reel them into truth. I realized this song could be an anthem to renew the minds of His children so they could step into everything He created them to be.

Listen for “Mistakes” on LifeSongs!