‘Tis the season! Cold and flu season. And sometimes, no matter how many precautions you take, you get sick. And you know what? The rest of the world doesn’t stop, …
Doerr Furniture | Vance
I love what I do so much. As the Underwriting Director for LifeSongs I get to meet so many amazing people, like business owners, pastors, worship leaders and all the …
Rest | Libby
At what age did your kids give up their naps? (#Askingforafriend) The idea that my son Gus is phasing out of “rest time” is definitely a harder adjustment for me …
Inquiet | Julie
My son has gone to a French immersion school since kindergarten. I figured out pretty quickly that I needed to supplement my high school French classes from 25 years ago …
Rest | Jasmine
This year I have learned the value of rest. Before the whirlwind of 2020, I proclaimed that I simply didn’t know how to rest. I seemingly believed I just didn’t …
Labor Day | Nancy
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Labor Day is coming up and I’m so glad our nation celebrates …
Vacation | Josh
Vacation is awesome. The idea of retreating – celebrating – renewing your zest for life. These are really good things. I would argue, this is even modeled by Jesus in …