I haven’t written a blog since last year! I know it’s only February, but are you feeling like me, that we’ve had a year’s worth of events in a month …
Serving in the Snow | Vance
“Jesus said, ‘Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’” Mathew 20:28. Recently …
Seph Schlueter | Gabby
Gabby spent some time getting to know Seph Schlueter – and now you can too! Like, how does a touring artist never go into a Waffle House? And what’s the …
One two three… TRUST | Gabby
I am a very “afraid” person. I have things that I am just never a fan of… in any contexts and I have no shame in expressing my fear in …
Lumberjack | Josh
Roughly 85% of my wardrobe is flannel plaid shirts. Did I set out to look like a lumberjack? Of course not. But I think deep down my yearning for Autumn …
In The Waiting | Libby
Waiting is not easy. (Any Gerald & Piggie fans out there?) This is the title of a children’s book my son loves to read. It’s also the truth. There’s a …
Perseverance | Nancy
How do we not grow weary as we tackle life’s challenges? How do we finish our life-race strong? The spiritual meaning of perseverance is trusting God moment by moment and …
Hope Darst | Morning Show
Hope Darst joins the LifeSongs Morning Show to chat with Josh about her new Live Worship album, sending her girls back to school and to encourage the LifeSongs family in …
The Power of Consistency | Paul
School is back! With it begins the start of a new season for many families. New schools, grades, routines, friends, and experiences. It can be exciting, but it can also …
Great Expectations | Libby
What are your expectations? Somehow, I think unrealized or unmet thoughts (by ourselves or others) about how something will turn out can take a toll on us. We can’t possibly …