Storm | Vance

In Blog, NewPodcasts, Podcasts, Vance by Jasmine

Like many of you, I got out of dodge when I saw the potential of Hurricane Ida. My family and I all packed up and all Ida saw was my tail lights.

My family and I went to Houston with some friends and we all sat there and comforted one another. As the storm passed we watched the news together and started checking on our extended families, our property, our friends, and everything.  Once the storm was gone, my family and I came home and we checked on our home and our friends and families’ homes. After that we started helping others. We cooked meals for the linemen who were helping us get back to normal. And later I saw my kids thanking the lineman and first responders for helping them out.

Man this sounds so familiar.

You see, I was asking GOD what to write about and this is what He gave me. A hurting soul going through a storm in their life like a death in the family, problems with money, marriage issues, kids not listening, I know we can relate to that. What do we do…..some of us just deal with it on our own. We may get lost in the storm and need a first responder to come help us, or we choose to head to church to be away from the storm and with others to give them comfort and hope.

Either way GOD never intended us to go through a storm alone. He is with us and sends people like the line men to help us out. He puts people in our life that we can depend on to give us the words we need to get us past the storm. Then we check on each other as the storm passes and we build bonds with people who we can trust when the next storm comes.

He gives you the story to go and help others and be that light through the darkness for someone else. He gives us the comfort that we need through EVERY storm. Why? Because GOD is good all the time!