New Seasons | Libby

In Blog, Libby, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Jasmine

A new season is here! It’s September, and while it may not feel like fall for a while, it is a time of transition. For our family, that includes the start of kindergarten for my son. It’s an exciting new phase of life, and also one that isn’t without the challenges of transition.

Growth and change indeed lead to some beautiful things, but they can also come with plenty of obstacles. We’ve been working in our garden, doing lots of planting, and have had our fair share of challenges there, too. (Looking at you, bugs and squirrels!) But we keep on keeping on, hoping to see results from those seeds. (C’mon, pumpkins!)

This year, we also did some significant pruning; boy was that hard. How much is too much? Snipping away – it just feels like you’re cutting off so much that it can’t possibly be good. But, we already see positive results! More blooms, more fruit, more growth.

These past few years, I’ve dealt with some new health problems, and I’ve also struggled with anxiety and panic/fear. I’m not proud of that, and it has been a time filled with plenty of challenges and obstacles. But God is faithful. And, just like our garden (and kindergarten!), I’m trying to keep planting and tending to seeds of faith so there will be a harvest of hope, even in these new transitions and seasons. The pruning process is a tough one, but I’m trusting God in it and looking forward to the growth and blooms to come.