Lent | Libby

In Blog, Libby by Josh

Today is Ash Wednesday. I read this post by a pastor earlier today and thought it was worth sharing as we prayerfully begin the season of Lent:

“For so many, Lent only carries connotations of fasting and self-denial. There is a place and call for fasting— from food, from situations, from elements of our environment. However, the removal of the sinful elements of the world is best accomplished by replacing that desire with something more powerful and desirable—the Gospel. Maturity is not just turning away from sin but rather it is the declaration of a dependance upon all that God is for you in Jesus…it’s the power of grace becoming a renewed affection for you. You can never replace something with nothing. With that in mind, it is better to not be so caught up in the idea of giving things up for Lent as much as leaning into the disciplines of grace—prayer, fasting, acts of mercy, meditating on the Word of God, the sacraments and the communion of the saints.”

Thankfully, we ARE free in Christ. There is absolutely nothing we can do to add to what Jesus has done for us on the cross. However, the distractions of daily life can sometimes cloud our awareness of the sacrifice He has made for us. So, hopefully those who may choose to give something up during this season (or anytime) don’t do so for the bondage of a religious ritual, but as a personal daily reminder of what Christ has done for us

How will you be observing this Lenten season?