Today’s Good News

In Blog, Home Page, Outreach by Josh

“’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Philippians 4:8 (The Message)

Every day we share stories of hope – joy – Love!  Enjoy some GOOD NEWS each day with LifeSongs. And if you know of some good news, share it here!  Thank you for sharing hope each day with listener-supported, uplifting LifeSongs!

Friday, July 26, 2024

A woman in Ohio was struggling to feed her newborn baby and was so distraught she actually called 9-1-1. It was 2 AM, she could no longer produce breast milk and her baby had been screaming in hunger for hours as she drove all over town trying to find a store that sold formula.

Thankfully the police officer that took her call was a father of two young daughters and his heart immediately went out to this poor woman. He remembered how his wife felt immediately after her babies were born.

Officer Hunter Willoughby dashed to a nearby store, grabbed formula and infant bottles.He then delivered the goods to the exhausted and panicked mom at her home. Officer Willoughby would not accept her money and quietly departed so she could feed her one week old.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

12-year-old Aubrey Sauvie wanted to be like her big sister, who plays percussion – so she started practicing on a snare drum. She attacked the skill like any other of her hobbies – taekwondo, painting and dance. All of this is made even more impressive by the fact that Aubrey is a triple amputee.

From birth Aubrey has attacked life with no arms below her elbows and a partially amputated left foot. She’s had many prosthetics over the years, but her special drumming hands were designed and 3D-printed by some college engineering students at Tennessee Tech.

Aubrey worked closely with the engineering students to develop the perfect prosthetics to help her play the drums at super speed, without fear of slipping, overheating or dropping the drumsticks. The engineering students at Tennessee Tech have the plans backed up to make adjustments and print new prosthetics as the tween drummer grows.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Suborno Isaac Bari memorized the Periodic Table by age 2, graduated high school at 12 and is already enrolled at NYU to study physics this Fall! In fact, this brilliant preteen is fast tracking college, planning for a 2026 graduation, followed by grad school.

Suborno grew up on Long Island, but is originally from India, where he often guest lectured when the family visited abroad. Imagine a seven year old teaching a college class … this is Suborno’s real life!

But it’s not all physics lectures and homework – Suborno also loves playing the piano and paints to express his artistic side. The brilliant minded tween even has a letter of commendation from former President Obama for being a glimpse into a hopeful and bright future for us all.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Virginia Hislop has achieved an extraordinary milestone by completing her master’s degree in education from Stanford University at the age of 105. Starting her coursework 83 years ago, Hislop’s academic journey was interrupted by significant life commitments, including marriage, family, and World War II. Despite these interruptions, she forged a long and successful career in education.

Finally able to return to her scholastic pursuits, Hislop attended the recent Stanford graduation ceremony and proudly received her diploma. Her story is an inspiring testament to perseverance, proving that it’s never too late to achieve one’s dreams. Virginia’s remarkable achievement is a glowing reminder that patience and dedication never go out of style—although you might need a few extra candles on your graduation cake!


Monday, July 22, 2024

An Australian charity is making waves with its surf lessons designed specifically for autistic youth. Drowning is tragically the leading cause of death for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Ocean Heroes aims to combine ocean safety education with fun, engaging activities to protect and entertain neurodiverse kids.

Ocean Heroes started with this critical issue: many autistic children are prone to elopement, meaning they may wander off when they see the mesmerizing reflection of light on water. This concern is particularly pressing in Australia, where much of the population lives near coastal areas.

Imagine hitting the beach and learning to surf while also boosting your safety skills. That’s exactly what’s happening for autistic youth in Australia thanks to Ocean Heroes promoting ocean safety. Catching waves and saving lives! Hats off to these Aussies for turning the tide in such a fun and vital way!


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Today's Good News - Heroes & Helpers

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Vilitha Clay and her family are living out the love of Christ by opening their home to a new found family member. Michael Cloyd is 73 years old. He is a Veteran of the war in Vietnam. And up until recently he was homeless and in need of medical care.

Michael was admitted to the VA hospital in rough shape after 4 months of homelessness. He could not find or afford the care he needed. Somehow he was connected to a family who had decided to live out Ephesians 4: “Be kind and compassionate to one another…”

The Clay family adopted the veteran and moved him into their home. He became a grandpa to the grown children and is fully embraced by this caring family who hope to inspire others to open their homes to care for adults in need.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A family was shocked and overjoyed to discover their beloved pet was not lost – he was out in the wild world enjoying his best life.

The Drewry’s lost donkey, named Diesel, ran away from his owners five years ago while they were out on a hike near their Sacramento ranch. The sweet tempered donkey was described as a “lover, not a fighter” so they feared the worst. Just this Spring, however, Diesel was spotted in the wild.

Diesel took up with a herd of wild Elk in the California wilderness. He apparently earned the respect of the herd that follow their donkey protector. And while the Drewry family misses their Diesel – they are thrilled that he has found a family and is enjoying the wild burro life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Each year refugees flee war torn Africa and the Middle East, moving to European countries. Many of those refugees are children who just want to play ball. The country of Italy saw all of these young footballers and decided to put together a rich sports program just for them. The Rinascita Refugees is a social program that Italy devised to help naturalize migrant soccer players. Many of the young players are from West Africa just trying to make a new home.

The Italian Ministry of the Interior funds this soccer social program, where many players have thrived and garnered international attention. In April the Rinascita Refugees won the Italian Cup in their division!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

From the top of the Empire State Building, Sassy Wyatt stood motionless like a statue, taking it all in. She heard the roar of the wind, a helicopter passed by, sirens down below and her fellow tourists shuffling all around her. She could smell the gritty New York air and feel the building rattle and sway under her feet. While she has been blind since she was a teenager, this young woman has a passion for travel, experiencing the world differently than most of us.

Sassy Wyatt is now in her early 30s – over half her life has been in the dark. She grew up in England with her parents who prioritized experiencing the world through travel. While she can no longer see the world around her, she loves to experience new places with the senses she does have.

She’s never stopped exploring the world through sound, feeling, smell and taste. She has paraglided, skied and taken on any number of adventurous sports, thanks to friends who describe the visual world to her as they travel. And she’s shared her adventures with the world through her very popular blog Blind Girl Adventures!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Oorbee Roy is a 43 year old mom of two from Toronto, Canada who decided she no longer cared what people thought – she wanted to have fun skateboarding with her kids. So she did!

Instead of doom scrolling on her phone or falling into midlife crisis drama, Oorbee grabbed a skateboard and practiced each day with her kids and her husband and now, she’s got a social media following as she shreds.

She wants every person – especially moms – to know its never too late to “live your best life.” For her – skateboarding has been like a fountain of youth. While her family is always headed to the skatepark, Oorbee had a skate ramp built in their backyard! Her plans for the future include hosting retreats to help women chase dreams – and she hopes to write a book one day about how grabbing a skateboard helps keep her young and excited about life.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Max the cat is a six year old tabby who lives down the street from Vermont State University. His daily routine is to roam the school campus looking for friends. He greets the Dean of Admissions on his way to the Quad to hang with students.

Max is very friendly and likes to perch on shoulders and backpacks to pose for selfies. Students and staff often let him in the school buildings to keep warm when there’s snow on the ground. Max is more than a mascot for the school – he’s a soothing presence who has put countless smiles on faces burdened by finals and papers and the pressures of the unknown future.

The graduating class of 2024 have been through a lot at VSU. They started college during a global pandemic – and just a year ago, three Vermont schools merged into Vermont State University. Thankfully, all of these students had Max. And to honor the sweet cat, the school presented the cuddly guy with an honorary doctorate in Litter-ature. That’s a terrible pun – but at least Max graduated with zero student loans.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Troy Sawyer wants to help local girls get more involved in the jazz scene with his non-profit Girls Play Trumpets Too. It’s true – we see incredible girl drummers, guitar players, violins and cellos … but when it comes to the brass section it’s largely been a boys club.

Troy Sawyer was a music teacher at Lafeyette Academy and decided to put together a girls jazz ensemble to fix this problem. The nonprofit is growing and the girls have been featured at Jazz Fest and even on the Kelly Clarkson Show in New York! The future really blows for these girl trumpeters!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Isaac Toups and his wife Amanda own and run a Mid City restaurant called Toups Meatery. If there is one thing that lights a fire on their stove, it’s the idea that someone is hungry and they can do something about it. Which is why they launched a non-profit called Toups Family Meal to deliver well balanced meals to feed hundreds of kids in New Orleans this Summer. But this is just the beginning of the outreach the Toups have planned.

The goal is to grow Toups Family Meal to also be a mobile emergency response program responding to disasters in the region with home cooking and love. You can learn more about this awesome family at

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Zaylin Washington’s life could be used for a reboot of Friday Night Lights. This Texas teenager is a star football player and keeps his grades all A’s as well. In fact, he has a full ride athletic and academic scholarship to Feather River College starting this Fall.

But Zaylin has had to overcome some huge disadvantages in his young life. His parents were in and out of jail – he was shuffled into foster care – and while a sophomore in high school, became homeless. Most of his classmates had no idea. It was his youth pastor at Church that gave him his first stable home.

Zaylin notes that this was the first time someone CHOSE him, instead of having him forced upon them. His new stable home, full of love and support, gave him the foundation to succeed – and that’s exactly what he has done!

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Detroit Lions are pretty excited that they managed a coup and signed Cornerback Ennis Rakestraw Jr. out of the second round of the NFL draft. But Detroit is getting much more than a great defensive football player, they are getting a grateful young man.

Many of us are lucky to have teachers in our lives that pushed us to be our best selves. For Ennis, that was his 4th grade teacher Mr. Gammon. The 4th grade teacher posted to Twitter a picture of a letter young Ennis Rakestraw Jr. had left on his desk on the last day of 4th grade many years ago. In the letter Ennis thanked his teacher for his kindness and told him that one day he would play professional football and let the world know how his 4th grade teacher helped him have confidence.

Friday, July 5, 2024

A group of Michigan fourth graders were assigned active-duty or retired veterans to correspond with. This was a way to both encourage our nation’s warriors – and also teach 9-year-olds how to write proper letters. Brilliant idea!

After months of participating in Operation Save, the school planned a special meet and greet lunch, where the students and their hero pen pals got to hang out together!

One retired Master Sergeant has loved getting the letters so much, he boasted how he doesn’t have room on the front or sides of his fridge anymore, because he hangs each letter there.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day! Celebrating the United States’ birthday is great – but celebrating God’s Kingdom is far greater!

CLICK HERE to see the goodness being done at Victory Church for the 35th annual FEED THE MULTITUDES!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Brinley Tatsey runs cross country for Heart Butte Junior High School in Montana. And she’s good! (She actually holds her school’s record for fastest mile) Brinley was on her way to a first place finish, when she sacrificed an easy trophy to help a competitor. She noticed another runner clinging to a tree, gasping for air off the course. Brinley sprinted over, offering her inhaler and talked her through breathing exercises until coaches showed up to help.

Then, like she hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary, Brinley went back to the race. When she finished well behind her normal pace, her mom asked if she was ok. Brinley just shrugged it off and said “I was just slow this time.”

No one would have ever known what Brinley did, had a spectator not witnessed the entire thing and written a letter to the Heart Butte Athletic Department praising the heroic act of the sixth grade runner. Brinley was honored at the school’s annual awards assembly. In recognition of her outstanding sportsmanship, sincerity, and humanity, she was presented with a special plaque. The school community applauded her not just for her athletic prowess but for something far more important: her character and empathy.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Nicholas Appel was working his ticket booth at Grand Central Station in New York City when he saw a woman who looked panicked and on the verge of tears. She had lost her (very large) diamond engagement ring on the train. Nicholas helped search the entire station and when no ring was found, helped the woman file a police report.

Two MTA officers got the task of tracking down the train and doing a search. They went in with a mission and got off the train with a giant diamond ring – returned to the commuter on the same day she lost it!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Victoria and Justin are not your average run of the mill 17-year-old high school students from Texas. They are scientific geniuses that are trying to save the world.

The Texas teens won the Gordon E. Moore Award from an international science fair for their invention – a device that uses ultrasound technology to filter out microplastics from water! Microplastics are a danger worldwide, infecting water and food supplies, causing untold harm to the environment and the health of people and animals.

Justin and Victoria built a sound machine that cleans water! That’s absolutely amazing. The teens are working with Regeneron labs to upscale their device for large scale work that could literally change the world.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Let’s start with the happy ending: Elijah Hogan graduated high school at the top of his class at Walter L. Cohen Charter High School and will be at Xavier University in the Fall, studying graphic design. The story of how Elijah came out on top, starts at a very low place though.

When Elijah was just 8-years-old, he lost his mother. He lived with his grandmother for a time, but ended up in the Covenant House youth shelter while in high school. He lived in the homeless shelter for more than a year.

Despite a traumatic childhood and housing insecurity, Elijah accepted help graciously – and worked hard, graduating high school with a best in his class 3.93 GPA. He spoke at his graduation, encouraging his peers as they move into the next stage of life, saying, “Take pride in how far you have come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy your journey.”

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A while back we shared the sweet story of school bus driver Larry Farrish Jr. going the extra mile to make one of his students happy. It was “Pajama Day” at school and the young Levi was sad because he didn’t have any pj’s. Larry ran to the store and brought Levi new pajamas so he could join his classmates in the fun.

This story was all over the internet and inspired Patricia Poggi on Long Island New York to take an 800 mile road trip to Farrish and Levi’s Engelhard Elementary. Patricia runs EJ’s PJs – a non profit that partners with Toys for Tots to give kids pajamas.

When she arrived at Engelhard Elementary, she had a supply of brand new pajamas for all 300 students at the school!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Brettne Brownson is a single mom and a great employee. She works for the Homebridge Health Care Agency in Norfolk, VA. Brettne is never late for work – always shows up with a smile – but how she gets to work has varied.

Homebridge Health CEO Latavia Bennette found out that her employee, Brettne, was using Uber, Lyft and sometimes walking to work each day because she didn’t have a car. So Latavia went and bought her one – surprising Brettne at work with new wheels!

When the story was leaked to a local news channel, the CEO told them the reason she started her company was because she was frustrated at her old job, always feeling unsupported. At Homebridge, she’s all about caring for her people.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An Ohio pizzeria was frustrated by what everyone assumes was a prank. A woman called and ordered 16 pizzas – worth well over $100. Then she didn’t show up to get the pizzas or pay. The shop had to discard the order and bite the cost.

PizzAroma shared the potential scam on social media to let other local businesses know to watch out. The next day they got a call from Travis Truesdell. Travis is a veteran who is also a small business owner – and pizza lover. He offered to pay the outstanding bill for the expensive prank – covering the cost of all 16 pizzas.

In the good times and bad – local businesses back each other up. Check out some incredible local businesses that support LifeSongs!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Daken Kramer is a really great kid. At just 11 years old, his school (Thomas Ultican Elementary) has already named an award after him. The Daken Kramer Legacy Award was created after Daken decided to help take care of his fellow classmates and their families.

Daken set out with a goal to raise $3500 to go towards school meal debt. He ended up raising over double that. Enough to not only erase all the debt for families at his school, but most of the debt at the local high school as well!

How did this kind 5th grader accomplish such a feat? He posted videos online encouraging his community to come together. And they did! Individuals and businesses gave and shared the call and that’s how greatness can happen anywhere! When you support LifeSongs (a non-profit radio ministry), how much more can we show God’s Love to Southeast Louisiana and the world?

Friday, June 21, 2024

More and more, we hear stories of people using Social Media to provide for the needs of strangers. TikToker Jimmy Darts shared a short video of giving food to a disabled homeless woman named Linda. He also gave 75 year old Linda $1000 cash to get her off the streets.

But that wasn’t enough. After sharing Linda’s story online, Darts’ followers raised over $44,000 to completely transform Linda’s life. She now has a place to live and transportation equipped to handle her mobility scooter.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Captain Theresa Claiborne just hung up her wings. Captain Claiborne was the very first Black woman to fly for the US Air Force. She broke through over 40 years ago and has been flying for both the military and commercial airlines ever since. This past May she took one final flight from Lisbon, Portugal back to the United States (Newark) with a plane full of her friends and family.

Sure, she’ll miss the wide-eyed looks of awe from children as she saunters through airports in her pilot’s uniform – but because of her fearlessness, there are now many more Black women in the cockpit. They just needed to see that it was possible.

As she taxied her last big flight into the Newark gate, two fire engines were lined up to give her a water cannon salute – a mark of respect – as the water arched over the plane. While she won’t be flying professionally anymore, Captain Claiborne is still president of the non profit Sisters of the Sky that funnels the next generation of Black women into aviation careers and plans to write some long gestating books.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 (Happy Juneteenth!)

As the aftermath of Katrina ravaged New Orleans, Alexandria Wheeler ventured out into unsafe streets to find help for her twin baby boys, A’Mari and J’Mari. The two were starving and dehydrated and their mom feared no one was coming to save them. That’s when she saw Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré — one of the most important figures in Hurricane Katrina’s military relief efforts.

Alexandria remembers the relief at seeing the General, saying, “It was like God just coming in, stepping in out of nowhere.”

Though the encounter was short, the ties between them remained strong over the years. Before A’Mari and J’Mari’s high school graduation this spring, they made a video call to Honoré with some exciting news. A’Mari is joining the Marines, while J’mari is going to college for automotive engineering. Both young men told the retired General how he inspired them.

After expressing his joy at seeing the two infants he once held in his arms all grown up, Honoré offered an even more important acknowledgment to their mother. “They’re here today because of you and your tenacity and your willingness to fight for them.”

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

We’ve mentioned the brilliant minds of two St. Mary’s Academy Math students (Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson) that shocked the world by solving a 2000 year old calculus problem. Those awesome young women are now in college but were recently featured on an episode of 60 minutes.

That’s when they caught the eye of NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley, who was so moved by their accomplishment and poise that he announced he would be donating $1 million to St. Mary’s Academy!

Monday, June 17, 2024

90 year-old Mr. McCormick isn’t one to complain. He works at a grocery store, pushing carts to pay for rent and food. He is kind to everyone he meets. And one of the folks he met recently has changed his life forever. That person was former WWL TV anchor Karen Swensen. When she heard Mr. McCormick’s story, she launched a GoFundMe to help him finally retire.

In just 2 days the GoFundMe blasted past the initial goal of $35,000 – pulling in well over $200,000! The money has been transferred to the now-full-retired hero.

@cbsnews When journalist Karen Swensen crossed paths with 90-year-old veteran Dillon McCormick, who was working at a grocery store, she knew she needed to help. Their story, Monday with @David Begnaud on @CBS Mornings. #news #goodnews #uplifting #veteran ♬ original sound – cbsnews

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nobody has your back like your twin — and Georgia and Melissa Laurie are tighter than most. In 2021, while swimming in a river on vacation in Mexico, Melissa noticed a crocodile close by in the water. The two swam for shore, but as Melissa reached the bank, the croc dragged her under the water to certain death — until her twin Georgia dove back in after her, repeatedly fighting off the reptile until it let her sister go.

Now, Georgia is being honored by King Charles III with the King’s Gallantry Medal, given to Brits who demonstrate immense bravery. The humble Georgia said she owed her own life to her sister, who was determined to stay alive throughout the reptile attack: “I don’t think I would be here without her, she really gave me the strength to keep fighting,” she said.

The attack was terrifying and dangerous, though Melissa has since healed from injuries that included puncture wounds to her stomach and intestines and sepsis during her hospital stay. You would think a traumatic event like that would keep the twins out of the water, but nope. Together they are raising money for charity by participating in the Thames Marathon, an 8-mile swim in England.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Dylan Beard is hoping to make the US Track and Field team for Hurdles. He’s favored to make the team in the upcoming qualifiers. But he had to take some time off from his day job to chase Olympic glory. Normally he’s manning the counter at the deli in his local Walmart!

Dylan Beard is currently the third fastest hurdler in the world – but he’s an unsponsored athlete chasing a dream. Thankfully, he got some help from his coworkers and friends. Walmart presented the future champion with a check for $20,000 to help pay for his training and trip to Paris. He just has to hurdle over the competition at the qualifiers in Oregon later this month.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Teachers are heroes. They give their lives investing in the future of not just their students – but the lives their students will impact. Lillian Orlich, known to her students as Ms. O, spent 67 years in the classroom before finally retiring at the age of 89.

It would be impossible to figure out the countless lives impacted by her years of love and service. But you can actually count the impact she left after her passing. One million. Ms. O left $1 million in her will for the Virginia school system she had served most of her life!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Elaine and Roland both had crushes on one another in 8th grade, but never told one another. It never became anything more than a teenage dream while in high school. They grew apart and lived full lives.

Both grew up, married other people, had families and lived life! Eventually Roland’s wife passed away and Elaine’s first marriage ended in divorce. When they saw each other at their 50th high school reunion – sparks immediately flew!

They dated for a while and eventually combined families at the age of 88, in a beautiful beach wedding. You never know when life is going to surprise you!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Beth Christensen’s roommates are all much older than her, but she’s cool with it. Beth is a graduate student and concert pianist going to school at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory. Sure, she could have lived in the dorms, but she found accommodations that gave her access to a piano on which she can practice 24/7.

Beth moved into Claridge Court, a senior living facility. In exchange for piano performances, she gets housing AND a community with a wealth of experience and wisdom to share! The relationships she is building with her elders at Claridge Court have given her tremendous joy – and the music she plays fills the senior center with a sense of life and youth.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Class of 1944 just got together for their 80th high school reunion!

The 98 year olds from Wisconsin took pictures with a vintage 1929 Packard, a car service they rented to take them to lunch – however the car broke down, so they pivoted to an Uber.

The Class of ’44 gals enjoyed lunch with cake and ice cream, and called a few of their classmates who couldn’t make the date. They graduated at the height of World War II and have experienced so much in the last 80 years!


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Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Purple Knights have descended upon Normandy for a series of powerful performances to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The St. Augustine Marching 100 have been performing all week in Normandy and Paris – they even learned some patriotic standards for this global tour, celebrating the turning point of World War II.

80 years ago today, the Americans, British, Canadians, Australians and others launched an offensive attack to take back the European continent from the Nazis. They landed in force on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. While many St. Augustine students have studied D-Day at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, the world famous band has now seen it first hand.

The band has spent an entire year planning fundraising for this trip. For the band and chaperones to go and perform for a week in France, it cost over $700,000. But this once in a lifetime experience just opened the world up to these young men in a way that can’t be measured.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Soldier’s Journey Home had just three weeks and 80 volunteers from 15 different states to build and furnish a home. But they got the job done! On April 27th, they handed the keys to Retired Army SGT Ryan Major and thanked him for his service with the greatest gift possible – a brand new home!

Local businesses helped cover costs – everything about the home was donated, from the land and materials all the way to the food in the pantry and the blankets on the beds. SGT Major’s home was also built with disabilities in mind – Ryan lost his legs to an IED in Iraq.

His new home was provided by the non-profit A Soldier’s Journey Home, which has been building and offering mortgage free homes to our nation’s heroes for almost twenty years.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A group of French bakers put together a 461-foot-long baguette to claim the record for longest baguette ever made! That’s almost 1/5 football fields worth of delicious crusty bread! The record was broken as a part of the Suresnes Baguette Show in Paris.

Thankfully this delicious record didn’t go to waste. The crowds got slices, slathered with Nutella and the rest of the giant bread was given to a local youth association who distributed the food to local homeless people that evening.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mr. T famously pitied the fools all the way through the 80s on his hit TV show The A-Team. He fought off Rocky Balboa in Rocky III. He had a hit Saturday morning cartoon. He was one of the most famous people in the world, decked out in expensive gold and jewelry. But did you ever notice his shoes?

Mr. T still uses his fame today to speak life into kids and share his faith. No matter how richly adorned his neck is, his shoes are torn up, cheap tennis shoes. It’s a constant reminder for the superstar to remain humble, remember his roots and keep perspective in a world that says riches and fame are the end game.

Friday, May 31, 2024

A couple of barbershop owners in East Hartford proved they are looking out for the community, not just with shears and fades, but in other even more heroic ways.

Santana and Lugo were busy chatting with customers when they noticed a little girl outside the shop heading towards a busy intersection. The two men raced out the door to grab the girl before she ran into the roadway. They found her mom at the bus stop around the corner, in a confused panic.

The men then went back to work – but days later the Police department got word of their good deed and presented the men with hero certificates and a public commendation.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Back in 1964, Gary and Linda Manna eloped. It was all they needed – each other. 60 years later, Gary wanted Linda to have the wedding of her dreams. So they put on a 60th anniversary wedding ceremony. Linda was walked down the aisle by one of her sons – her daughters the bridesmaids. She met a beaming Gary at the front of the church where their eldest son led them through their vows.

Linda says forgiveness, faith and music has kept their marriage strong for six decades. And there is obviously a lot of love in this family.


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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

In 1994 the prenatal team at Queen’s Medical in Nottingham, England, hustled, delivering two premature babies. Jack was born at 30 weeks and Bronwyn’s mom delivered at just 26 weeks.

Both families bonded over their miracle babies and kept in touch after finally leaving the hospital months later. Jack and Bronwyn grew up as friends, drifted apart during university, but in their mid 20s realized they were more than just matching miracles for their parents -they were a match for each other!

Now the former preemies are married with their own daughter – who was born in the very same hospital they were both born in!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking…” If you have ever been on a plane, you’ve likely heard something like that before. Generally it is followed by a greeting and a reminder to keep your seatbelt on. But on a recent LOT Polish Airlines flight, what came next was a romantic comedy in the making…

Captain Konrad Hanc and his longtime girlfriend Paula – a flight attendant – were flying this route together. Captain Hanc had his co-pilot take over so he could step out into the aisle and propose to Paula from 40,000 feet.

He told Paula “You are most precious to me. You are my greatest dream come true.” Their video went viral, of course, as Paula ran down the plane aisle to wrap her arms around her Captain Fiancé!


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Monday, May 27, 2024

Ed Bray stormed the beach at Normandy during World War II, earning two purple hearts. And yet, the toughest thing the 90-year-old said he had to face in his life was his illiteracy. For decades, Bray went to extraordinary efforts to keep his inability to read or write a secret. While on the job at an Air Force base, he had a coworker help him with documents. At home, his wife did the same for 62 years until her death in 2009. Finally, the determination to shed the shame and learn how to read broke through.

“I want to read one book,” he said. “I don’t care if it’s about Mickey Mouse. I want to read one book before I die.”

In early 2013, Bray found Professor Tobi Thompson at Oklahoma’s Northeastern University. Her patient and dedicated attitude helped Bray accomplish what he never thought possible. In February the veteran read his first book, a grade-school biography of George Washington. “It just makes me feel good,” Bray said. He’s since gone on to read three books, and has no plan to stop now.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Matt Busbice is a millionaire many times over. The Baton Rouge businessman does not sleep in bougie pajamas though – just shorts and a t-shirt, like a normal person. One early morning the fire alarm started blaring in his condo building so he rushed out the door only to find there was no emergency. Groggy, but awake – Matt decided to walk down the street to get some coffee. Before going into the shop, Matt decided to stop and take a moment to pray. That’s when he saw a large child approaching with a clenched fist.

9-year-old Kelvin Ellis Jr. had recently received $1 from his dad for getting good grades. It was his only dollar. Kelvin decided he wanted to give this blessing away to a homeless person, so when he saw a disheveled man outside the coffee shop, he approached to give him a gift. He lifted his clenched hand up and handed the man a dollar saying “If you’re homeless, here’s a dollar.”

Matt Busbice was shocked at first, but slowly a huge smile spread on his face. He introduced himself to Kelvin, met Kelvin’s father and then bought Kelvin breakfast in the coffee shop. Matt was so touched by the boy’s generous heart, he invited Kelvin and his dad to one of the stores he owns – a sporting goods shop called BuckFeather. He presented Kelvin a brand new bike and then gave him 40 seconds to gather anything he wanted, free of charge!


Thursday, May 23, 2024

So far, the biggest superstar of the Major League Baseball season isn’t a pitcher with a $100 million deal – but rather, unassuming everyman Matt Hilton – a beekeeper in Arizona. With just minutes until game time, a swarm of bees took up residency in the netting behind home plate at the Diamondbacks’ game.

Matt was called in, in full bee suit with a special vacuum to a packed out Arizona’s Chase Field cheering him on. They chanted “MVP” as Matt cleaned up the bee mess. Someone in the broadcast booth put Bonnie Tyler’s “Holding Out for a Hero” on the speakers.

Before Matt left to release the bees, he was given the chance to throw out the ceremonial first pitch – which the crowd went nuts for! The Diamondbacks ended up winning for the home crowd, beating the Dodgers in extra innings that night.

Of course, to become a sports legend, you need a trading card. Topps Trading Cards immediately reached out to the Blue Sky Pest Control worker to release a limited edition MVB – most valuable beekeeper – baseball card and the Diamondbacks offered buy-get-one FREE BEE tickets for the rest of the homestand.


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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

It’s like a scene straight off an episode of a police show – a Baton Rouge police officer was flagged down by a car on the side of the road. The driver told Cpl. Jason Lee that her daughter was in labor and they needed a police escort to the hospital. Officer Lee happily obliged, but the cars didn’t get all the way to the hospital.

Labor escalated quickly so Cpl. Lee pulled over and delivered the baby on the side of the road! Both mom and her newborn son Noah were healthy and safe. EMS arrived and took the family to the hospital, but later Cpl. Lee was able to visit and take pictures with baby Noah.

The Baton Rouge Police Department – To serve and protect and ew, is that placenta?!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Becky Arbaugh is the manager at Taco Bell in Richboro, PA. She’s also a bonafide hero. This story is crazier than a Cool Ranch Doritos Loco taco. A customer named Natasha pulled up the window to get her order when she noticed her 11 week old son struggling to breathe from the carseat. She screamed for help – and Becky tossed her headset and dashed to the drive-thru while her employees called 9-1-1.

Becky had experience with infant CPR, her own daughter had struggled as a baby. She took the baby and performed CPR until the ambulance arrived. By that time the baby was no longer blue and breathing on his own. The paramedics told Natasha that Becky had saved her son’s life!

Taco Bell is honoring their hero-manager. And Natasha and Becky have become friends, connecting through social media after the ordeal. Now Becky gets daily updates on how the little life she saved is thriving.

Monday, May 20, 2024

If you walked by a burning house, would you leap to action or start filming with your smartphone? Oscar Rivera heard a loud BOOM and saw smoke billowing out of a three-story house in his neighborhood. Without hesitation he leapt into action.

Oscar ran out of his backyard, where he had been playing with his kids, and scaled the outside of the front of the burning house with the help of a neighbor’s ladder. He jumped from the ladder to an awning and pulled himself up to a man screaming for help from the third story window. Oscar grabbed the man by his pants and heaved him out onto the roof, putting out the flames on his clothes.

About that time a fire truck pulled up and helped both Oscar and the man he had rescued off the roof. While the neighbor Oscar rescued suffered burns – he could have lost his life without help.

Friday, May 17, 2024

If you ever get to go to a hockey game – prepare to have a great time! Currently in Baton Rouge we have a hockey team called The Zydeco. Hockey games are super fun – very loud – a little chilly – and also, potentially, DANGEROUS!

At a recent Cleveland Monsters game, mom Asia was spending as much time wrangling her four year old son Nasir as she did watching the game. Thankfully the man sitting next to them, Andrew, was enjoying the chaos of the four year old – and also, thankfully, Andrew has quick reflexes. A stray hockey puck was flipped up over the plexiglass and came hurtling towards the 4-year-old’s head.

Instinctively, Andrew jumped in front of the puck – his mom Asia says this new friend likely saved her son’s life! The act of bravery was posted on social media – and the team invited the trio back for another game, to meet the team and shuffle out to mid-rink so 4-year-old Nasir could drop the ceremonial puck.


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Steve Gleason is a hero in New Orleans. Not just for his time as a New Orleans Saint – but mostly his poise in the midst of the battle for his life. The former footballer has a Congressional Gold Medal for championing the fight against ALS. The degenerative disease has immobilized the athlete – but not yet stopped him from creating a life well lived – inspiration – and even artwork!

Gleason has written memoirs and speaks with the aid of computers. He has done intensive work with Microsoft and Google to develop voice banking technology to allow those who have lost the ability to vocalize, a chance to speak with their own voices again. And now this legend has partnered with A.I. art generating software from Adobe.

Using a new program called Firefly, Steve Gleason has created exclusive artwork. He hopes other artists will join him for a display in New Orleans when the city hosts the next Super Bowl. Gleason has a passion for developing ways for the differently abled to express themselves, despite their limitations.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Georgia Tech is one of Atlanta’s finest schools. 59-years ago Ronald Yancy was the first Black graduate of the engineering school – and now he’s passing that legacy on to his granddaughter!

Back in 2019 Georgia Tech honored Ronald with a statue on campus and he was invited to hand his granddaughter Deanna Yancey her diploma as she earned her Master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering this Spring.

Back in 1961, Georgia Tech became the first university in the Deep South to integrate – with no court order or violence. Since the 60s, several Yancey family members have become Yellow Jacket alumni.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Imagine you’re cruising down the Interstate, and suddenly you see a silver vehicle flipped over in a field. That’s a scene straight out of a blockbuster, right? But for a group of eight men, it was a call to action rather than a spectacle.

These good Samaritans didn’t just stand by; they sprinted towards danger and banded together to overturn the car and rescue a woman trapped inside. It’s the kind of teamwork that would make even the Avengers proud. Just goes to show, not all heroes wear capes—some just have a really good grip and a heart of gold.

In a world where we’re often bombarded with bad news, stories like this remind us of the goodness that surrounds us. It’s a wonderful example to set for our kids: when someone’s in need, you lend a hand (or eight).

Monday, May 13, 2024

Courtney is a barista at Starbucks in Little Rock, Arkansas. She’s the happy, smiling face that many locals see first thing in the morning. When she noticed a customer having a downcast morning, Courtney worked extra hard to smile and be cheerful for them – not knowing how her determination to bring some sunshine into a life might turn into a blessing!

The customer that Courtney had worked so hard to cheer left the barista a note saying “You were the first face I saw this morning and you really brightened my day… you deserve to know that you made a difference… just by being kind.” Along with the note was a $200 tip!

Courtney had to go to her car to compose herself as she wept from the generous and thoughtful gift. No one could have known it was the exact amount she needed to buy an urn for her mother’s ashes, right before her first Mother’s Day after her mom’s passing.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ever heard of a bad weather friend?

In Fort Worth, Texas, a tale of unexpected friendship sprouts from the unlikeliest of situations. Lyn Story, a retiree with time to spare, became a lifeline for Apryl Goodwin, who was grappling with cancer and a dire need for transportation to medical treatments. Their initial contact, courtesy of a neighborhood app, blossomed into Story driving Goodwin to over 25 radiation sessions and 6 chemotherapy treatments, among other critical appointments.

It’s in the toughest times that the most beautiful friendships can form. What a beautiful testament to the power of community and making a difference in each other’s lives, one ride at a time. Lyn Story’s actions remind us of the importance of reaching out and helping our neighbors. It’s heartwarming, inspiring, and truly embodies the spirit of being a bad weather friend.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The beautiful notes of Chopin on the piano echoed the full auditorium of Chalmette High. The pianist? 16 year old student Jorge Vargas. His skills are impeccable … you would never know he only began playing piano a few years ago. Jorge plays like a seasoned professional. His music instructor calls him a legitimate prodigy.

When COVID hit, the marching band of Chalmette Middle School was all but disbanded. They couldn’t be in the same room, blowing into their instruments – in fact Jorge was a trombonist and was really bummed he couldn’t make music with his friends. The music teacher was able to get beginner keyboards to any students that were interested in growing musically from home, and that’s when Jorge bloomed.

Though he still plays trombone – proudly marching with Chalmette High – Jorge formed an instant connection with the keyboard, picking up classics from Mozart in record time. While Mr. Vargas plans on studying physics in college, he will always be bringing beauty into the world wherever there is an open piano to play.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A high school PE coach was searching for ways to keep his athletes running during Summer break and had an “Ah-ha” moment after a conversation about the local animal shelter.

The coach matched up his athletes with a shelter dog to keep the cross-country team hitting their goals and providing exercise and socialization for the pups as well! NO surprise they also saw a rise in pet adoptions with this program.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Grace Cruz of American Heritage Girls Troop LA2013 was recently presented the Stars and Stripes Award! This is a huge deal in the American Heritage Girls program. Grace has proven her leadership skills with over 100 service hours and a host of other accomplishments.

One way Grace served our community was to install and manage two food blessing boxes in Slidell. She partnered with Northside Baptist and Northshore Church to collect non-perishable food and reading materials for people in need.

While accepting her AHG Stars and Stripes Award, Grace humbly spoke of her relationship with God and encouraged the other girls in attendance to lean on Him as they grow and face challenges.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Detective Michael Harton and his family were already beloved in North Haven, CT. He has been described as “a beacon of warmth and kindness.” About five years ago the Detective was in the right place at the right time to save a 3 month old baby named Eimann “Tooka” Rolle.

The infant was choking and had stopped breathing. Detective Harton spoke calmly to Tooka’s panicked mother and performed a variation of the Heimlich maneuver on the baby – not giving up until her airways were clear and she was breathing on her own.

Traumatic events can sometimes bond people forever, and it did for Detective Harton and Tooka. Harton and his wife Susan befriended Tooka’s mom and have been like surrogate grandparents for the little girl for the last five years – celebrating birthdays, milestones and holidays together!


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