God’s Plan Is Good | Jasmine

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‘“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”’ Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Most people are familiar with this scripture. It is a great verse for pastors to reference for a new year, a great cover page for a journal, and a beautiful scripture to display somewhere in your home.

But do you believe the words written in that Scripture? Sometimes we can become so accustomed to certain scriptures that we do not fully digest or fully believe the verse fully.

Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the plans He has for you! So long before you were created God had a plan, a purpose, and a dream for your life!

How cool is that?

Sometimes, life can be really hard and we can forget that God has good plans for each of us. Not plans for disaster, but plans to give us a future and a hope!

This year choose to believe every part of Jeremiah 29:11, because those words are true! Do not go into the new year expecting disaster just because 2019 and years before that have been hard and disastrous.

Choose this year to hope! Hope again and believe the plans and dreams God has placed inside of you to accomplish His ultimate dream.