Chill Out | Libby

In Blog, Libby, NewPodcasts, Podcasts by Josh

Remember that time it dipped below freezing JUST long enough to wreak havoc on our pipes and roads, and basically shut everything down for days? Yeah. And then when, just a mere 72 hours later temperatures were approaching the 70s? Gotta love the crazy weather patterns in Southeast Louisiana! (And by “love,” I mean “mourn the loss of all my tropical plants that simply couldn’t handle it, either.”)

I must point out that New Orleans simply wasn’t built for these kinds of extremes. I mean, our cemeteries aren’t even underground – certainly our pipes aren’t able to be safely insulated well below the point of freezing like in other cities. And so much of our roads are elevated above ground or run over bodies of water – they lack that extra ground insulation, too. We can handle a lot of things, but “extreme” cold for extended periods of time clearly isn’t one of them.

The good news is, aside from the fact that we’re thawing out a little, is that no matter what extremes life throws our way, even if we aren’t “built” to handle them, WE CAN. You know why? Because we can do ALL things with Christ as our strength!

Philippians 4:13 is my life verse for this very reason. There are many situations we may find ourselves in that aren’t ideal. From big to small, things come at us ALL THE TIME. Sometimes it’s a frozen pipe, other times it may be a bigger loss. But no matter what, God is greater. And His love for you knows NO bounds. There is literally nothing that can “freeze” God out of the picture!

So, as you thaw out (and maybe still boil that water for a bit longer), know that God is good, ALL THE TIME. No matter what you may be facing today, know that you can conquer it through Christ. Let Him be your strength today, and everyday, Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13