You Look Tired | Libby

In Blog, Libby, Podcasts by Josh

“You look tired!”

“How are you feeling?”

“Um, everything okay?”

“Are you a corpse?”

Okay, that last one was a stretch, but these are among the more popular greetings I’ve received recently. And I appreciate them! Truly. Because they are thoughtful. And perhaps brought on by concerns over my more haggard appearance as of late. (Believe me, I get it. I do own a mirror or two. I just try not to use them all that often.)

It’s true, I’ve definitely been a little more worn down that usual lately, but it’s for a good reason. It might still be a little soon to share this news, but I’m going to anyway: I’m pregnant!!

That’s right! The fact that I have the pallor of a sea-sick deckhand, zero energy AND haven’t been able to dye my grey hair for a couple of months is because there’s a little life growing in me! Surprise!

baby-on-board-signI am incredibly thankful for this, and also incredibly moved by God’s design for life. He is so intricate and thoughtful a Creator! I feel so humbled and grateful that He is growing our family. My husband and I have been married over 7 years now, and we are so excited (and terrified) about jumping in to this next phase of our lives together: PARENTHOOD.

This will be our first, so, naturally, I have about a bazillion and one questions, and so much anticipation, both excitement and fear. Will it be a boy or a girl? Will we be good parents? Will we ever sleep again? What color should we paint the nursery? Do we get one of those little giraffe dolls everyone seems to have yet? Will the baby need glasses as soon as he/she is born? Should we bring him/her home from the hospital in a crawfish costume?! (Obviously, the answer to that one is YES.)

So, as this first third of pregnant life comes to an end, I’m hoping I get to the phase where I can experience that “pregnancy glow” and feeling like Wonder Woman. Until then, I’ll happily respond to “you look tired.” It’s for a good reason!

I know I have a lot to learn, and I’m trusting God to continue to show me His way for our family. I would be so grateful for your prayers for a healthy baby, as well as any thoughts you’d like to share with me on becoming a parent. And, if you just want to commiserate because you can relate to the first trimester blues (or maybe greens?), bring that on, too! Now. Who do I talk to about getting some LifeSongs onesies printed up?