What’s New | Oct 7

In Blog, Libby by Josh

If you’ve got kids, you know they can sometimes (unintentionally) help you learn some valuable lessons. Austin French says God recently used his 3-year old little boy to teach him something.

“My son asks me all these questions about anything and everything, and he doesn’t always get my answers but what he does get is that he can sit in his daddy’s lap and ask me anything. I want every single question and I’ll love him no matter what. So why do we treat God like he doesn’t want our questions? I believe that asking ‘why God?’ doesn’t make us a bad Christian, maybe it just makes us a kid who needs our dad and that’s okay.”

Let Austin’s song “Why God” remind you that the “why God?” season in your life is exactly why we need God in our lives. Bring those questions that you’ve been scared to ask to the God who’s not scared of anything. He loves you, even in the “Why God.”

If you find yourself searching for purpose, feeling weak and heavy-hearted, be encouraged by Jordan Feliz’s song, “Faith.” It’s a great reminder that our Rescuer is standing beside us, providing light for those shadows in our lives, strength, comfort and hope.

Meet We The Kingdom, a multi-generational family of musicians ready to worship with you and share hope and encouragement. Their song, “Holy Water,” celebrates the life-changing power God has in our lives, no matter what we may be walking through.

Listen for “Why God,” “Faith” and “Holy Water” on LifeSongs!