What’s New | March 28

In Blog by Libby

Tauren Wells says his song “Fake It” is “a celebration of the real love of Jesus Christ that sets us free to be everything He has called us to be and nothing we are not. In other words, Jesus did not die for who we pretend to be, Jesus died for who we really are. That means, we don’t have to ‘fake It.’ We don’t have to fake our feelings, we don’t have to fake our emotions, we don’t have to fake our doubt, we don’t have to fake our belief by wrapping it up in the trappings of tradition and religion. We get to come to Jesus as we are.” 

What do you need right now? Finances? Peace? Health? Restoration? Whatever it is you need, God can and will meet that need. He is your provider. Maverick City Music’s song “Jireh” is a reminder of just that. God is everything we’ll ever need. “My prayer and hope is that everyone who listens to this is reminded of the Father’s heart toward us and that He loves to take care of us.” -Naomi Raine of Maverick City

God is bigger than our circumstances. He’s bigger than our struggles, our worries and fears. He is bigger than our past mistakes. Josh Havens of The Afters says, “When our faith is in Jesus, we can let go of all the shame and guilt that we carry because we’re forgiven!  There’s nothing that we could ever do that would take away God’s love from us.”  Their song “Say Goodbye (Say Hello)” is about leaving behind all the unhealthy and toxic things that drag us down and hold us back and stepping into the future God has for us.

Listen for “Fake It,” “Jireh” and “Say Goodbye (Say Hello)” on uplifting LifeSongs!