What’s New | Mar 16

In Blog, Libby by

There is a great deal of anxiety and uncertainty happening all around us right now. Many feel things are out of control, or worry for a loved one’s health, or simply feel overwhelmed trying to make sense of it all. Hope Darst’s song “Peace Be Still” is the perfect soundtrack to remind us of the hope we have in God. It is a prayer and a weapon; a prayer of peace over everything you are facing and a weapon of worship to defeat fear, depression, and doubt. God has promised you peace: ‘Fear not for I am with you,’ says the Lord. ‘Do not be anxious but with prayer and thanksgiving, tell God what you are concerned about and then the peace that goes beyond all understanding will guard your heart and your mind. The hope we find in God’s word is a calming force in the face of chaos.

Listen for “Peace Be Still” on LifeSongs!