What’s New | Jun 3

In Blog, Libby by

We all share a common desire and need to be loved. And when we have no idea how to make it through the storms of life, it’s such a comfort to know that we have someone who loves us and will fight for us, even in our weakest moments. God will find you there and love you like no one else can. Let Riley Clemmon’s song “Fighting For Me” remind you of that today.

How’s your memory? When we sink into the sorrow of our situations, it can be easy to forget what has been promised. We remember what God has done, but we forget what He has promised for our future. We see throughout the Bible Jesus reminding us that yes, you will have trouble in the world, but that He has conquered the world. We hear Jesus telling His disciples that He is going to prepare a place for us. So, we don’t have a fool-hearted hope, but a tasted and seen hope.

Let Vertical Worship’s song “Yes I Will” be your lifeboat. As the waves of doubt begin to knock against us, we have this truth to hold onto and to sing into our desperate situations. May the truth of this song embed itself in your life, may everything else fade and the truth in the song grow, lifting our eyes up to the heavens.

Listen for “Fighting For Me” and “Yes I Will” on LifeSongs!