What’s New | August 3

In Blog by Libby

Do you ever struggle with being able to accept love? Sometimes for each of us it can be hard to believe we are worthy or deserve it. NEEDTOBREATHE’s Bear Rinehart battles that, too. He says the band’s song, “Who Am I” is a song about the fight to accept, embrace, and trust that the greatest love requires nothing in return. So many times we allow our past mistakes to define who we are today and we can get very defeated by things we’ve said or that have been said to us, or situations we’ve been in. Even though I carry all this baggage and weight into my story, we find ourselves in the picture of grace and how God sees us, and allowing ourselves to see ourselves through that light instead of telling ourselves, we aren’t worthy of that love. That’s what God’s grace looks like in our lives.

Are you ready to move from shame into the freedom God offers us? So is Jodi from Love & The Outcome. She says, “I don’t know about you guys, but I can get stuck in the shame game all day long… and it can really take me out. Should’ve done better… could’ve done better…oh, I made such a bad mistake there… I can guilt myself to the point where I stop hearing God’s voice, and I just hear my own.  So, that is why we wrote this song, ‘Moving On.’ I am done with being in a shame spiral and I’m ready to move into the freedom that God has. So, I don’t know what it is for you, but if you are ready to move on from whatever has held you back and whatever has made you feel stuck… this is your anthem.” – Love & The Outcome

Listen for “Who Am I” and “Moving On” on Uplifting LifeSongs!