What’s New | April 10

In Blog by Libby

Even in our darkest moments and those times in our lives where life seems out of our control, we can find peace in our God. That’s the message in Stephen Stanley’s song “Rest In The Father.” The song was inspired by his wife, who faced a scary situation involving someone trying to break into their home while she was home alone, 5 months pregnant. Stephen says his first instinct was to race home to comfort her, and that he could see the fear and unrest in her eyes when he did come home. He was inspired to write this song, for her and for anyone looking for the truth of God’s peace available to us. 


Evan Craft’s song, “Fight On My Knees,” is a reminder of the people who have supported him in prayer throughout his life. Whether you or someone you love is far from God or needs prayer and support in a hard time, Heaven hears our prayers. Faith moves mountains, so let God fight your battle.


God always gives His love to us wholeheartedly. That’s the encouragement in We Are Messenger’s song “Wholehearted.” Darren Mulligan of the band shares, “It is the wholehearted love of God on display in the person of Jesus. And He is to be enjoyed, always. Every single time, God has never held back His kindness or grace.”

Listen for “Rest In The Father,” “Fight On My Knees” and “Wholehearted” on uplifting LifeSongs!