Serving in the Snow | Vance

In Blog, Vance by Josh

“Jesus said, ‘Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.'” Mathew 20:28.

Recently we had an epic snow fall in our amazing city. More snow in one day than Anchorage, Alaska has had this Winter, so far. It was so cold!

As much fun as it was to have this once in a lifetime experience, there were lots of people who were scared and needed help. People whose heaters were not working properly, or only had space heaters, but maybe not enough.  People without blankets and some who were not physically able to wrap their pipes. I was sitting home the evening before the snow and got several phone calls from people who needed help. The cold and snow were coming!

I knew I had to do something, so I got on the phone and made a few calls to get help and supplies. We were able to get to everyone that called and gave them hope and peace of mind.  Many folks got the opportunity to enjoy the snow rather than be scared of it. What a blessing!

Being able to help made me realize what Jesus was talking about in that verse (Matthew 20:28). Sure I could have stayed inside and been with my family and I would have been happy that we were safe and warm. However the joy I received from knowing that I was able to put a smile on a stranger’s face by helping them out, made my time with my family even more precious and joyful.

Better to give than receive! Man I love that. Only GOD could make that statement true.  Only serving him would make giving better than receiving.  I encourage all of you to live by Jesus’ words and experience that same joy I felt the day the snow came down in!

Why? You might ask… Because God is Good all the Time!