The Lull

In Blog, Josh by Josh

You know the Lull. It’s the time between Christmas and New Years. That time where you wonder if you should take down the tree, or if you can leave it up through Mardi Gras without annoying your neighbors. That time where you start to dread January. And it’s not like January deserves the dread, it just gets a bum rap because it is after Christmas and when the cold starts. The Lull is when you walk that delicate balance between setting a resolution to lose weight and deciding how big a piece of King Cake to eat. Followed by another, slightly smaller piece of King Cake…

When you look at the life of Jesus, He took full advantage of life’s lulls. After major miracles, holidays, festivals and sometimes – just cuz – Jesus would seek out the Father. He would set Himself apart from life’s business and spend time in prayer and worship. Then He would return re-centered, focused and prepared for whatever would come next.

For many, the New Year is a very hopeful time. It’s a chance to start over and renew our outlook on life. But as followers of Jesus, we have the opportunity for renewed hope every single day, if only we take the time to seek Him. Perhaps coming off of the spiritual high of celebrating the birth of Christ is the perfect time to recenter our lives on Jesus.