Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Paula Harrell

Please pray for me and my husband... I have multiple sclerosis requiring me to take injections of medicine that cost $6,500.00 per month without insurance which we cannot afford and I cannot afford to NOT have those injections. Please pray quickly and earnestly that we are able to find an affordable insurance company/policy that will cover me. PRAYER WORKS! Our Father has blessed us with many miracles regarding my multiple sclerosis of which we can never be grateful enough request your prayers for a quick and successful conclusion in this for God's glory once again. I want to sing His praises forever and request you join us in prayer to gladly do so again. Many blessings to you and to Him be the glory forever and ever, AMEN!

Received: November 20, 2017

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