Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Happy New Year and may your prayers be answered as you pray for mine concurrently, I unite with you at the same time. That being said and the Lord God listening and dispatching angels all around I ask for the issues right not and my needs. First and always Salvation for my son, his little girls and their mother a hedge of protection and direction in their lives. As for myself deliverance from all occult oppression placed over my life and body. To also, finish my final class that ends 1/20 pass it and finally get my Diploma. For all, i mean all, many will be sent with different situatuons legal letters and requests; God knows the details; be addressed immidiately and once and for all. Am homeless and really need to secure that permanently without having to worry where to live again, I turned 50 and have nothing although worked my entire life. Secure employment with a last company until I retire or the Lord calls me home. My last request is love, love, love to experience it mutually.

Received: January 16, 2017

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