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I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Monique Morales

Please pray for my marriage. My husband kicked me and my kids out the house 6 weeks ago.

His mother hates me, she didn't come to our wedding. His ex wife is best friends with his mom, they both hate me. In the past 6 weeks,I pray and pray. I've made every effort to try to reconcile. He will not acknowledge me. He has threatened divorce several times, but does not go through with it. Every now and then he will contact me with a text or email, either saying this is all my fault or that he misses his wife. Sunday I received a text from his ex gf saying that they have been seeing each other since the night he kicked us out. I printed the phone bill, to verify and it's true!! He is denying any physical contact. He took her out to eat, went to her place. My heart is shattered. My kids are broken. I was fired from job bc of this situation. There's nothing more that I would love than to reconcile my marriage. Please pray for restoration. Please pray to silence the enemies filling his head with lies! He says he wants my car back, and my ring. I need GOD to intervene ASAP. Please

Received: October 13, 2016

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