Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


I need prayer for guidance in my life. In 2014 my husband left me and we have been divorced for a year and a half. I have been praying for God to either bring my husband back or to bring me a new, Christ loving man.

I need guidance because I believe God has brought that man into my life, but the enemy has been attacking his life very hard over the past few months and is trying to steal his joy. I have been praying for him everyday, but it just seems like everywhere he turns he is faced with opposition. He's had multiple deaths in the family, law suits from his own family over the Will, illness with himself and family members (his mom being in treatment for Breast Cancer), car troubles, law school and job stresses.

I found out last night he has decided to move back to California because he is unable to deal with everything. I need guidance on how to talk with him and how to pray for him. I really felt that God brought him in my life and I need to know what I should be doing. I'm trying not to look at circumstances because God can be working things in ways we wouldn't even imagine.

I am believing He wants me to press on and continue praying for him and our relationship. So I am asking everyone here to pray for him as well. Pray that he continues to rely on God for guidance and to carry his burdens. Pray for strength and faith for me to continue to believe and not be moved by these new circumstances.

Received: September 5, 2016

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