Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please pray for my daughter today was not going well for her she wrecked her car on the way to school, she had to drop one of her classes because she doesn't have a car now and on top of that, she didn't get the job she applied for the enemy has been really busy. I told her don't get weary...GOD'S GOT THIS!!! AND He's in control and He will see you through this. This is just a small setback, just trust Him!!! Also, please pray for our family our mother has dementia and our dad refuses to tend to our mother when my brother is not around our dad fights us when we try to see to our mother's needs he hides things so that we have to ask him for it it's so hurtful to us it's like he's holding her hostage I had to sneak our mother out to go see her only living sister ...please pray that God would remove his heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. Amen.

Received: September 6, 2022

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