Praise & Prayer

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for my mother. About a month ago she awoke with a horrible pain in her chest and was rushed to the hospital with multiple pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs) although this is deadly, she made it just in time to be put on oxygen and blood thinners. She has gone through a horrible divorce and it seemed like she was in a state of depression that I thought I would never see her out of. Today she is recovering and although the doctor said it will take her up to a year or more to recover, I thank the lord that he took her in his hands and opened our eyes to show us that everything is ultimately up to him and that he can truly mend all things. THANK YOU LORD for always keeping your hands on us!!! Please pray for my mother's recovery to be a quick and smooth one! He isn't done with you yet mom!

Received: July 26, 2016

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