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I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


A prayer to jesus rebuild my friendship with my friend bruna cristina rodrigues, we commit a sin and now she and the pastors want me out of the church,everyone in the church wont talk to me anymore and the worse is seeing her to reject me for our sin,i cant take this jesus,she wont talk to me cause the pastors and people wont allow her please ask god to break that cause god is in charge and not people also for her not be ashamed of me and the sin we comitted anymore. shes my only family and turned back on me for a mistake we both committed, please ask the lord jesus to get inside her heart to forgive me and be filled with love for me again and be my family again,i even just lost my job which will make it difficult for me to go to the church as much as i am working around here, nothing worse can happen to me, all i do is cry,shes even changed her number, i feel lost when i cant talk to her,why she has to punish me like this oh lord. shes very important to me and im suffering everyday crying missing her and we used to be like sisters, it is so hard i feel like i want to die right now, my lifes over. on top of that people persecute me at work and did still do black magic against me and black magic against brunas life,her own auntie does that.please help, she needs to come back and talk to me.She even said i should talk to God why she cant forgive me and not to her ;(. Also id like to ask you all to pray for her to come into her senses in the sexual area, she needs protection in this area so badly, im worried about her. she just goes out with any boy.she keepseven inside the church looking for attention from boys,even men in relationships,and the single ones she gets their focus out of the word of god when theyr preaching in the church and thats wrong cause she needs to focus on getting attention from god and not men. shes an atttention seeker. ask the lord to keep her more than anything please.its too hard worrying about someone who wont let u help them anymore ;( i do not want her to make the same mistakes in relationships again cause thats the reason they dont allow her to play in the church anymore. and she wants to go back at playing in the church. and i also pray to god she will cause thats her life and the reason why she cant forgive me i suppose.please do not pray if not going to ask god to rebuild my friendship,cause that friendship its my hearts desire. really. Please pray for people in the church not be in the way between me and bruna,i cant talk to her cause theres always someone aroubd like a bodyguard as if i would do something bad to her theyre just stupid...and haters..pray als to god to end this relationship she has with this boy cause hes getting her out of the church and hes responsible for her not forgive me please,hes leading her away of the church and her personal relationship with jesus,he keeps sending her whatsapp msgs when shes at the church,calling her,going out with her and bringing her home at 5am,she used to be a good crhistian girl until shes met this man,he only wants to use her and get her out of the church. he doesnt want anything to do with god.and last week she asked the ´pr if she could be my friend again the pastor said no but only because she is friends with bruna for years and they barely know me in the church and th pastor is worried about the churchs image not about me. i feel like crap. someone help praying for her forgiveness and friendship with me please im desperate .Can someone help me out with a praying campaign for my friendship please? Iknow we cant change brunas or peoples heart but we can pray to GOD TO CHANGE HER BAD BEHAVIOUR AND HEART otherwise what would be the point of following jesus and praying? so no excuse for not praying for her to change....thanks giselle

Received: July 26, 2016

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