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I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I'm asking for prayers for my son and his family. I'm starting to realize that he and his wife are becoming addicts andbI don't m kW how to help and believe my grandchildren are starting to be neglected and don't know what to do ! I need some devine intervention they are ages 6,&and 4 they are pretty much raising themselves and are becoming very wild ! My son is on parole and I believe he needs Help Not jail as he has been to jail and that hasn't helped him . He got no help there ( yes he was clean but his mental issues were still there ) he is depressed and feels as though he he has no purpose in life in thenladtb6 months hes has 4 really good jobs and list them all because he is always late or doesn't show and has alone excuses why he missed ! They finally got their own place it's the first time ever on their own and it's been 2 months and are already late and the only reason they haven't been evicted yet is because it's people we know and he agreed to wait two extra weeks so who's to say by then if they will pay . The job he has now he is on the verge of losing and the only reason he hasn't is because his dad is his boss 🙁 I am so stressed over the whole thing that it's making me sick ! I worry about the grandbabies so much that I cry all the time I teust inbthenLors and have seen his works as we almost lost out house recently ( from taking care if them when they were living here we were supplying EVERYTHING for everyone) God provided and we saved our house so I know God is good but I need extra prayers for them ,us and the rest of my kids and grandchildren ( I have 3 children ,2 daughters in law and 5 grandchildren my husband and I in all) please send those prayers God Bless You all

Received: July 22, 2016

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