Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I would like to request prayer for specific situation: First and foremost, my living arrangement, the month to month is up on October 1st and ask that you lift me up in prayer for the home owner to extend it. There is a vibe that it could go either way and may tell me, but since its already mid month, they might just give me thirty days legally as for example the month of Oct and then leave in Nov. which would at least help or I think raise my rent again. So please pray for this, I have no one and no place to stay, along with a min wage salary in Calif where no one can pay rent even in high crime locations. A lot of prayer for this. Lord give me a home where I will never have to worry about this with what is left of my life. Also for job security at present location even though retail is not doing well, pray for this location to prosper and over come, along with needing a second job too. There is an important exam that I will be taking and ask for fervent prayer to pass, just pass, would be great. The effort sacrifice and studying is there but need Gods touch. TY

Received: September 16, 2019

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