Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


My Husband's Insight

Dear God, tonight we are going to see the movie, Kingdom Men Rising by Tony Evans that I heard announced on the only station I listen to now, Lifesongs 89.1. I am truly thankful for listening to Lifesongs all day as it really feeds my spirit. Please let my very "talented and intelligent husband" have an open heart, mind and spirit and willingly see himself in this movie, as I believe it'll be healing for him. He's stopped attending church altogether in the past year as it first started gradually BUT he'd get up and go to "train" on Sundays rather than attend church to worship you. When asked about his connection to God, he says he feels that his connection with God is "on path" despite not going to church, but I read in the Bible we were made to worship and praise you "together" in church. Man is a communal creature of God and should not be alone. Please help him to "see" himself in this movie, as I'm grateful for this opportunity for Tony Evans to create this as our men definitely need this! Thank you for giving me the money to buy the tickets for it and I'm looking forward to attending this with him and our daughter this evening, despite us not having seats together, my daughter and I have 2 seats in the theatre in the middle back and his on the the right side, which could work out better than I'd thought, being that he's very prideful and doesn't want me to see his sensitive side as he pride's himself on being "the man". I pray that he will see himself in this movie as he was raised in a fatherless home throughout his elementary school years, and I agree that a woman can't raise a man, no matter how good a mother she is. My daughter and I attend church regularly on Sundays as well as attend Sunday School classes to be further filled with the knowledge and wisdom of God and the stories of the bible. Also I pray that he and I will be able to have a deep conversation about it when we return home after the movie and he "sees the need" for atttending church once again, not for me, but for him and his soul!

Received: April 30, 2019

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