Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Asking for prayers for my husband, child, mother, and mother-in-law. My husband was “raised by the belt”, his mom was super hard on him. In some cases this type of relationship might become strained; but, in his case he adores his mom and still strives to please her. This type of parenting behavior has now become his and he is super hard (verbally, rarely physically) on our kids. In particular, on our daughter who has mental and behavioral health issues. I think he is in denial and thinks he can fix it by being harder on her. But, all I’ve seen is her issues worsening, her becoming depressed more and more. She craves his attention and affection but he always denies her or shoos her away. I am afraid he is going to destroy the bit of mental health that she DOES have and that the issues will only get worse as she becomes a teen.

My mother is always on me to fix it or leave him but I don’t want to destroy our marriage and home when I know that God can fix it and I believe (hope) that is what He would want for our family.

My mother-in-law is complacent and believes her son is being a good father. Both he and his mother are not not seeing the repercussions of his behavior towards our special needs child. Please pray for our family and especially our daughter’s well-being. Thank you!

Received: April 24, 2019

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