Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please lift us up in prayer for specific prayer:

Strong hedge of protection for my sister who is in danger. God knows the details, cancel null void all plans from the enemy and principalities that are using people to try and follow through with evil plans.

Salvation for my son and his little girls, that he understand Gods plan to move and the location that He has for him in the mountains in a small communittee for what is coming. May the transition by safe, secured until his girls graduate from High School and onward or until the Lord returns as a place of safety, peace, and happiness.

Deliverance from all occult, all curses, in every form from generational to conception to childhood especially adolesence that was placed to be finally broken and washed in the blood of Christ.

Pass midterms this month, and final in May then State test in October.

Secure my present employment even though it is minimum wage and also secure my living rental which is just a room in a family home for now.

Unspoken request to arrive to my front door soon.

Received: January 18, 2019

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