Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Bless you and thank you for continuing to pray for me to get one of the jobs I've applied for very, very soon. I know that with our prayers that God is working on it for me, and ask that I get a sign/s of that. I've not gotten any responses back on jobs I've applied or interviewed for and not hearing or seeing progress or contact, I feel like a fool. I'm not even able to comfort my husband by keeping him informed when I think I get a good sign that something good is about to happen. Then nothing does; I feel like a fool and don't want to get my husband's hope up just to have nothing follow through. I'm even somewhat ashamed that I feel this way; my faith is incredibly strong and I believe, but not being to share praise about it to anyone in case it's not going to happen is heartbreaking. Please continue to stand and agree with me in prayer for this and everyone else we pray for. Your sister in Christ, Paula

Received: July 31, 2018

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