Praise & Prayer

In Not Shown, Just Linked To by Libby

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Richard & Anna

Please pray that God reveals the TRUTH to my children. They are blinded by a brain washing father. Who allows them to do as they please. They have no boundaries. I want my children back. They dont want me though. They are too comfortable with him and their hometown. I feel hes changed them into non feeling duplicates of himself.. How can i possibly get them back? His influence on them is nothing that i can compete with. I want to get my children in church again and get them saved. Im fearing as long as hes in their lives that will not happen. Hes got a grip on them and wrapped around his finger. I need a MIRACLE to get my children to WAKE UP and see the TRUTH of who he really is and what he done to me. To CRAVE and WANT and NEED GOD and to be with me. Idk how much more i can handle being away from them. Its a complicated story. Just know, I was literally tricked into how he has them and i dont. And even if i could afford an attorney to get them back they are old enough to chose and wouldnt chose me. So its never ending brick walls. Why is he being allowed to ruin my children???? while I sit here endlessly crying over them... What good could possibly come from this? Im really having an extremely difficult time with this.. Im doubting everything... Please Pray for my children and me. Thank You.

Received: July 11, 2018

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